3Com warnt vor gefälschten NICs

In einem Brief (siehe unten) an Distributoren und Händler warnt Netzwerker 3COM vor gefälschten Fast-Ethernet-Adapterkarten des Typs 3C905C und 3CSM905C. Der Netzwerker erklärt, er wisse nicht, wie viele der gefälschten Karten weltweit im Umlauf seien. Die Karten wiesen, so warnt 3Com, einen schwerwiegenden Fehler bei der Adressierung von Netzkomponenten auf. Darüber hinaus müssten Anwender mit Performance- und Administrationsproblemen rechnen. 3Com unterstreicht, es werde bei Austausch- und Rücksendeaktionen die Herkunft der Karten prüfen.Der Netzwerker, der schon seit Jahren gegen Fälschungen vorgeht, ist nach Ansicht von Marktbeobachtern derzeit ein weiteres Mal dabei, massiv diesen Fälschermarkt zu attackieren. Seine aktuelle Warnung sei als Auftakt einer neuen Anti-Fälschungs-Kampagne zu verstehen.Hier folgt der Brief, den 3Com an Distributoren und Partner verschickt hat: Counterfeit Issue. 3C905C and 3CSM905C all variations and pack sizes Dear 3Com Partner, 3Com has recently investigated and confirmed that there are a number of counterfeit 3Com branded network interface cards entering the market. Please be advised that there are known component quality issues with these counterfeit products and that there are likely to be fundamental issues, such as MAC address clashes, in customer networks. These network interface cards are also known to have inferior functionality in terms of performance and manageability as compared to genuine 3Com products. While it is not possible for us to assess the size of the issue at present, we do know that there are a number of brokers offering 3C905C-TX-M counterfeits in the market. We are actively investigating to determine the sources of these counterfeit products and want to ensure you that 3Com will take whatever action is afforded by law to protect its brand value and intellectual property. These counterfeit goods infringe 3Com’s intellectual property rights and cause a dilution of 3Com’s brand value, as well as harm our authorized distribution and reseller partners dealing in genuine 3Com products. As a first step to resolve the issues, 3Com has already advised its authorized distribution partners that we will be enforcing our product returns policies with increased diligence. 3Com, therefore, will not accept any return of products not purchased directly from 3Com, whether genuine or counterfeit. Goods not purchased directly from 3Com will be returned to our distribution partners at their cost. In addition, 3Com may elect to retain any counterfeit goods received in the course of any returns activity without any accompanying refund or credit. Additional measures to ensure chain of supply and product authenticity have already been and will continued to be implemented together with and for the benefit of our authorized partners dealing in genuine 3Com product. The best way to ensure that you are dealing with genuine 3Com products is to purchase your 3Com products solely and exclusively directly from our authorized distribution partners for NICs and PC Cards. We have attached a list of our currently authorized distributors for NICs and PC Cards to this letter for your information. 3Com on a regular basis will provide updates of this list to you. In addition, we strongly recommend that you request a written certification from your distributor that they sourced these 3Com products solely and exclusively directly from 3Com. 3Com does intend to vigorously enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, which we believe will benefit our partners overall. At this stage we have decided to manage any end-user customer satisfaction issues on a case-by-case basis if and when they arise. (wl)

In einem Brief (siehe unten) an Distributoren und Händler warnt Netzwerker 3COM vor gefälschten Fast-Ethernet-Adapterkarten des Typs 3C905C und 3CSM905C. Der Netzwerker erklärt, er wisse nicht, wie viele der gefälschten Karten weltweit im Umlauf seien. Die Karten wiesen, so warnt 3Com, einen schwerwiegenden Fehler bei der Adressierung von Netzkomponenten auf. Darüber hinaus müssten Anwender mit Performance- und Administrationsproblemen rechnen. 3Com unterstreicht, es werde bei Austausch- und Rücksendeaktionen die Herkunft der Karten prüfen.Der Netzwerker, der schon seit Jahren gegen Fälschungen vorgeht, ist nach Ansicht von Marktbeobachtern derzeit ein weiteres Mal dabei, massiv diesen Fälschermarkt zu attackieren. Seine aktuelle Warnung sei als Auftakt einer neuen Anti-Fälschungs-Kampagne zu verstehen.Hier folgt der Brief, den 3Com an Distributoren und Partner verschickt hat: Counterfeit Issue. 3C905C and 3CSM905C all variations and pack sizes Dear 3Com Partner, 3Com has recently investigated and confirmed that there are a number of counterfeit 3Com branded network interface cards entering the market. Please be advised that there are known component quality issues with these counterfeit products and that there are likely to be fundamental issues, such as MAC address clashes, in customer networks. These network interface cards are also known to have inferior functionality in terms of performance and manageability as compared to genuine 3Com products. While it is not possible for us to assess the size of the issue at present, we do know that there are a number of brokers offering 3C905C-TX-M counterfeits in the market. We are actively investigating to determine the sources of these counterfeit products and want to ensure you that 3Com will take whatever action is afforded by law to protect its brand value and intellectual property. These counterfeit goods infringe 3Com’s intellectual property rights and cause a dilution of 3Com’s brand value, as well as harm our authorized distribution and reseller partners dealing in genuine 3Com products. As a first step to resolve the issues, 3Com has already advised its authorized distribution partners that we will be enforcing our product returns policies with increased diligence. 3Com, therefore, will not accept any return of products not purchased directly from 3Com, whether genuine or counterfeit. Goods not purchased directly from 3Com will be returned to our distribution partners at their cost. In addition, 3Com may elect to retain any counterfeit goods received in the course of any returns activity without any accompanying refund or credit. Additional measures to ensure chain of supply and product authenticity have already been and will continued to be implemented together with and for the benefit of our authorized partners dealing in genuine 3Com product. The best way to ensure that you are dealing with genuine 3Com products is to purchase your 3Com products solely and exclusively directly from our authorized distribution partners for NICs and PC Cards. We have attached a list of our currently authorized distributors for NICs and PC Cards to this letter for your information. 3Com on a regular basis will provide updates of this list to you. In addition, we strongly recommend that you request a written certification from your distributor that they sourced these 3Com products solely and exclusively directly from 3Com. 3Com does intend to vigorously enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, which we believe will benefit our partners overall. At this stage we have decided to manage any end-user customer satisfaction issues on a case-by-case basis if and when they arise. (wl)